RBE 3001
Worked with a classmate to program a 4DOF serial arm alongside stationary camera in MATLAB to continually detect, grab, and sort colored balls. Used forward and inverse kinematics, Jacobian matrices, and trajectory planning.
The robot field with many colored balls.
The robot sorting balls by color, accounting for new balls as they're added.
The robot following the yellow ball as I move it around with a stick.
Labeled axis for each joint.
Logic diagram for ball sorting.
The virtual arm model matching up with the position of the robot arm as it's moved.
Ball detection and color assignment, visual outputted from our Matlab code.
Virtual model of the robot arm with axises, outputted from our Matlab code.
End effector (claw) of the robot's movement in a test of the E-stop which keeps the robot from moving through a singularity by ensuring the determinate of the Jacobian does not reach close to zero. Outputted from our Matlab code.
Many different balls being detected and colored simultaneously. Outputted from our Matlab code.
Even more balls at once! Outputted from our Matlab code.
Individual colors of balls detected using color masks (the blue at the bottom middle was meant to detect grey balls which we ended up scrapping later). Outputted from our Matlab code.Â